MARLBOROUGH TRAMPING CLUB INC​​​​​​​http://What to do,  what to take"

The Gosling Hut

Early in 1956 some club members thought that a hut in the Gosling Valley would help with climbing and tramping trips in the Bounds Range.

A suitable site was found and permission to build on Te Arowhenua Climatic  Reserve was obtained from the Lands and Survey Dept.  The club granted $50 to the building fund, Internal Affairs granted $50 and further funds came from donations and raffles.   All the timber was pre-cut by Bernie Kennington in his woolshed over the winter and the match lining donated by W J Kennington.

Absolutely everything had to be carried in on the backs of club members.  The chimney was carried in on two manuka poles.

On Labour weekend 1957 a large party of club members tramped in for a grand opening party.  The final cost of the hut was $157.59

The concrete floor was laid in May 1973 and over the years  improvements have been made to this little hut.   Funds from the Outdoor Consortium enabled a working party headed by Kerry Millard to upgrade and improve the Gosling.

There are no fees for using this hut but donations are always very welcome to assist with maintainence.   

Access to the Gosling is through Stronvar Station and permission is required from David Evans.  phone 03 5724 809  or 021 439 964   Check out the Stronvar Staion website  stronvar - Home