Please note:   Our program often has last minute changes and we can't always  update the website prior to departure day. 

Contact if you need more info. or  txt 027 2785633 

 Trip or Leader  Changes

Sat 15th/Sunday 16th Begley Creek  Traverse has been postponed until a future date. 

Sunday 16th February   John Urlich has offered to lead a trip to the Gosling Hut this Sunday 16th February. Departing Horton Park at 7am. The fuel charge will be $18. Expect wet feet for the day with a river crossing to start.

If you want to join John's trip please send him a text message including your emergency contact details. Phone 027 302 5629.

Note:  Please note the revised vesion of our Summer program 24-25v2  posted 15th Dec replaces any earlier versions